Site 1 - main testbed facilities


Site 2 - 25km endurance track



GONDWANA offers vehicle manufacturers the ability to meet all whole-of-vehicle testing and homologation requirements from around the world. Our testing facilities cover all vehicle requirements from each of the major global regulations including ECE, JIT, FMVSS, CMVSS, GSO, GB, AIS, ADR – and more. With the capability of testing for all global markets, manufacturers and their key suppliers will have the ability to complete their homologation and development validation in the one secure location to complete development in less time.

GONDWANA capabilities enable the world’s automotive industries to undertake cutting-edge research & product development involving a world first in-road A.I infrastructure data retrieval technology. This facility will be the world’s leader in real time simulations mobility control, design, testing, development and FIA certified type approval processes.

In addition to the traditional R&D testing circuits, test beds and test houses, GONDWANA will house a cutting edge Autonomous Mobility Centre (AMC). The AMC will allow OEM vehicle manufacturers to test and validate their future mobility concepts in a rich environment simulating public, urban road environments and testing scenarios, and enable possible accreditation for on road testing in nearby Toowoomba City.

GONDWANA facility has 100 km of testing circuits including the 10 km TT Mountain Road Circuit. This circuit can be divided into a multitude of styles of testing circuits. Incorporating fast, sweeping and undulating circuits and steep, challenging climbs and descents. The TT Circuit has many types of cornering conditions, and climbs up to 200 metres with a 2 km and two 1.3 km straights, enabling testing from 30 km/h to 400 km/h.

The GONDWANA TT circuit will be the fastest, most challenging homologation and prototype testing circuit ever built. Combined with a full complement of R&D Smart Lab facilities and vehicle testbeds, a cutting edge Autonomous Mobility Centre, this facility provides a complete, one stop service for creating the best possible future of mobility in rapid time.


GONDWANA is an R&D development concept for a Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) standardisation mobility facility developed by an international alliance. Mobility testing tenants can leverage state-of-the-art proving grounds and world- leading test house facilities, as well as GONDWANA’s mobility R&D university engineering campus.

GONDWANA’s capabilities enable the world’s automotive industries to undertake cutting-edge research & product development involving a world first in-road A.I. infrastructure data retrieval technology. The facilities will be the world’s leader in real time simulations, mobility control, design, testing, development and FIA certified type approval processes.

GONDWANA will not only generate cost saving from a logistics perspective, it will also deliver fast, secure delivery of client’s product creating significant automotive manufacturing economic savings, and employment synergies between the facility, Gondwana’s automotive university and a world-class private automotive supply chain sector.

In the GONDWANA project team, “TT” is viewed as “Testing Technology”, within the FIA parameters of a demanding motorsport homologation circuit. Our TT Circuit, with 200m in elevation change, 60 corners of differing type extensive undulations, on camber and off camber loadings, long straights and varying surfaces all add up to create a very testing 10 km international standard TT Circuit would ensure the GONDWANA project as a desirable international destination for homologation and testing.

The GONDWANA futuristic mobility proving ground facility and Queensland fully connected highways and off road systems will provide full-services for R&D, type approval for all passenger, commercial, heavy vehicle, electric vehicle, motorcycles and autonomous vehicles. GONDWANA clients will be diverse, ranging from automotive manufacturers, vehicle homologation companies, component manufacturers, as well as world and Australian racing team homologation programs.

Queensland has 165,000 km of highway networks throughout the state and 500,000 km’s of off road and tracks, all very accessible from this site.

State of the art testing
our partners

our team

Ethos Urban


For information about our latest developments, or to make contact with the Gondwana project team, please send us a short note detailing your interest.